Ultimate guide to caring for sustainable clothing - NIKIN EU

Ultimate guide to caring for sustainable clothing

In our hectic times, where fast fashion too often becomes the norm, the importance of sustainable clothing is coming more and more into focus. But what good is the most eco-friendly piece if it is not properly cared for and thus wears out quickly? In this blog post, we've gathered tips and tricks from our Product Team.

Sustainable clothing can be made from a variety of materials, from recycled polyester to organic cotton. Some of these materials, such as wool, silk or Tencel, require special care. It is therefore advisable to always take a look at the care labels of your clothes before you put them in the wash. This way you can quickly see whether an item should be hand washed, machine washed or even dry cleaned only.

Choose the right detergent

Choosing the right detergent is a decisive factor for the lifespan of your clothes and environmental protection. If you're concerned about sustainability, choose powder detergents in a carton rather than liquid detergents in plastic bottles. Many brands today also offer eco-friendly options that are kind to both your clothes and the planet.

Minimize environmental impact

Most of us know that washing clothes consumes a considerable amount of water. To reduce this, you can make sure that you only start the washing machine when it is really full. Washing at lower temperatures not only saves energy, but also protects your clothes.

Image: Where the magic happens.

Repair and upgrade clothes

Instead of throwing away a garment as soon as a small defect appears, you can repair it or even upgrade it. A hole in a sweater could perhaps be covered with a beautiful embroidery (also called "visible mending"), and an old pair of jeans can quickly become a stylish pair of shorts.

Remove stubborn stains

Before you resort to aggressive chemicals, you can try to treat stains with home remedies such as bile soap, salt or cold water. Often these methods are just as effective and much gentler on your clothes and the environment.

The right storage

The way you store your clothes can also have a big impact on their lifespan. Instead of crumpling your clothes, fold or hang them. For delicate items like silk blouses or cashmere sweaters, we recommend storing them in special garment bags.

Image: Romantic symbol image - clothes drying in the fresh air.

Drying and ironing

Although it is tempting to dry clothes quickly in the dryer, this is often not the best method, especially for sustainable garments. Many materials suffer from the heat and lose their shape or color. When ironing, depending on the material, you should also pay attention to the right temperature and, if necessary, place a damp cloth between the iron and the garment.

Final thoughts

Sustainable clothing is not only an investment in the environment, but also in your own closet. With the right care, you can ensure that your favorite pieces will last you a long time. And remember, sometimes less is more: wash your clothes only when they are really dirty and avoid unnecessary wash cycles.

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