Everything will be better in 2023: implementing good intentions instead of breaking them - NIKIN EU

In 2023, everything will be better: implementing good resolutions instead of breaking them off.

More sport? Less fast food? Better job? Quit smoking? Good resolutions for 2023 are always easy to make, but not so easy to put into practice. To make sure you succeed, however, you should have realistic goals, plan carefully and, of course, stick to them.

The new year still lies before us like a blank slate. For many, the festive season is a welcome opportunity to consider what could be done better or differently in the future. And what actually became of the resolutions for 2022. Were we really able to implement them? Or did things not go as originally desired? No problem: with clear ideas and a bit of good will, you won't miss the target or get lost along the way.

Image: Well, whose resolution is also to eat healthier?

Whatever you start: Do it because you want to.

Often there is a guilty conscience behind good intentions. Because experience shows us what we've already wanted to change several times without actually having done it. Or we allow ourselves to be put under pressure from outside, from family, friends and (social) media. Neither of these are optimal conditions. The desire for change should come from within us and correspond to our own values. Will I remain true to myself if I no longer do this or that? If it's right for you, you can more easily give up obstructive habits and engage in something new.

Image: Stay true to yourself.

Is the list too long or the ambition too high?

Whether you finally want to clean out the basement or balcony or spend more time with family and friends. Whether you want to stop saying yes to everything, be more mindful in your life, or consume less: Some resolutions are easy to implement, others require an iron will and a lot of stamina. How long can you hold out to reach your goal? Not every resolution has to be stubbornly pursued for an entire year. Often, even small changes or shorter periods of time are enough to make you feel better - and proud of yourself.

Image: Even the smallest plant can grow into a tree.

Each stage is a milestone.

Take enough time and create a coherent plan. Don't aim for an unrealistic ideal and choose the right time to start. If you want to jog more, it's best to start in the spring, not in January. Again, even the longest journey begins with the first step. You just have to take it. If you do it this way, there will be less in the way of your good intentions. Be happy when you reach a milestone and reward yourself for it. This motivates you and increases your success rate.

Image: Step by step - this is how you get there.

Practice new routines slowly but steadily.

Do you want to reduce your ecological footprint by one or two numbers and bring more sustainability into your life? Buy only seasonal and regional food. Organic products are also a good way to go. Or actively help to protect the environment: Prefer sustainably produced clothing or consider replacing your slightly defective TV, your lame PC or your cell phone with a scratched display with a new device. Many things can be repaired cheaply. This is another way to save resources and energy.

Image: How about your own organic vegetable garden?

Imagine ...

... how a new job would inspire you, how you could go through life fitter or no longer have to spend money on cigarettes. Visualize your own personal successes, this will also support you in your resolutions. Make a concrete picture of it and keep it in mind. Every thought has the potential to manifest itself in reality. This also gives you new strength to master even greater challenges. Good luck - and keep at it! Not only for your own sake.

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