Other countries, other customs: Christmas customs around the world - NIKIN EU

Other countries, other customs: Christmas customs around the world

As the days get shorter, Christmas decorations are brought out in this country. The Advent wreath and Christmas tree, presents and Christmas carols are considered typical elements of the holiday. In fact, what we perceive as a Christmas tradition is of pagan origin - and people elsewhere celebrate the festival very differently.

If you think twice when you look at the calendar, you'll immediately notice that something doesn't add up - because the Magi, who worship the baby Jesus after his birth, will hardly have been stuck in a time warp until the beginning of January. In fact, Epiphany is the "real" Christmas - the day on which the Eastern churches still celebrate the birth of Christ today.

What does Christmas do in December?

Moving the festival to the three days of December 24 to 26 was not least a clever marketing strategy of early Christianity, as at this time pagan Rome celebrated Sol Invictus, the unconquered sun god, who was literally on the rise again after the shortest day of the year. North of Rome, Germanic and Celtic peoples celebrated this very occasion for very similar reasons. The early church took advantage of this popularity.

However, it would be much longer before a decorated Christmas tree or the "typical" Santa Claus were added - and these elements are not considered indispensable everywhere. The idea of Christmas as a family celebration has also only been around for a little over a hundred years. How have Christmas traditions developed in our nearer and more distant neighbors?

  • Bulgaria and Poland: The neighbors in the east celebrate piously without meat, with a sumptuous selection of vegetarian dishes that are considered typical Christmas treats and are eaten with the family.

  • Ukraine: In Ukraine, decorations in the form of cobwebs replace the ornaments that are designed like stars or snowflakes in this country. The custom is based on the legend of a poor woman who could not afford the tree decorations and was delighted with the frost-covered cobwebs.

  • Japan: Christmas dinner at Kentucky Fried Chicken is the long-lasting success of an advertising campaign with which the US fast food chain managed to establish itself as THE place for the holidays.

  • Spain: The event of the year in Spain is the big Christmas lottery El Gordo, which is now also well-known here. The enormous jackpot makes a select few very happy every year, and the draw is eagerly awaited.

  • England: In some places, the Yule log is still lit in the fireplace - a solid large log whose burning probably has pagan origins.

  • USA: Cucumbers as lucky charms are hidden as ornaments somewhere on the Christmas tree. Whoever finds the unusual decoration is said to be lucky or receives an additional gift.

Christmas brings light into the darkest season

No matter how people around the world celebrate Christmas or the winter solstice, there is always an underlying desire to breathe light and warmth into the year that is drawing to a close and the now very short days. This is achieved with lighting and decorations in which colors such as red and green ensure that our hearts are warmed - and, of course, with hearty meals and shared enjoyment with friends and family.

How and when do you celebrate "Christmas"? Write to us!

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