Volcanoes are usually the talk of the town when they erupt and devastate entire regions. Whether on the Pacific Ring of Fire, in Iceland or near Naples, volcanoes are omnipresent and active. But volcanoes are not simply destructive hotspots in the earth's crust - they also offer various benefits. This blog sheds light on the benefits of volcanoes for humans and nature.
The dangers of volcanoes are obvious: an eruption devastates the surrounding area and emits toxic gases and dust particles into the atmosphere. This has a negative impact on flora and fauna in the short term, but in the early days of our planet it was eminently important for the creation of an atmosphere worth living in - so the dangers and benefits of volcanoes are very close together. Some of the benefits of volcanoes are highlighted below.

Image: Volcanic eruptions are both impressive and dangerous - but volcanoes also have some benefits.
Volcanoes create favorable growing conditions
Volcanoes and the remnants of previous eruptions make for particularly fertile soils. On the one hand, volcanic ash is rich in nutrients, and on the other, the soil temperature around volcanoes is slightly higher. This combination provides an ideal growing climate for fruit and vegetables. Grapes in particular grow abundantly and are processed into particularly aromatic wine.

Image: Volcanic islands often offer ideal growing conditions thanks to the nutrient-rich soil.
Thermal energy from the earth's interior
This heat not only heats the soil for agriculture, but also provides thermally warmed water. Thermal baths are said to have a health-promoting effect, which is why health resorts are often located near volcanically active areas. In addition to these health benefits, thermal energy is also a sustainable source of energy that can play a central role in the search for alternatives to fossil fuels.
Volcanoes as sacred sites
Even today, people still live near volcanoes. These often have a spiritual significance and are often regarded as the seat of the gods. The snow-covered cone of Mount Fuji, for example, is the destination of pilgrims from all over the world every year. As sacred sites, volcanoes give religious people strength and security despite the danger they pose.

Picture: Mount Fuji is a popular pilgrimage destination and is considered a sacred site.
Early warning systems to protect against volcanoes
Nowadays, volcanoes are monitored by early warning systems that record increased volcanic activity and warn people. This makes it possible to evacuate the affected areas in good time and save many lives. This also works for the invisible supervolcanoes without visible cones, such as in the American Yellowstone National Park, in the Phlegraean Fields near Vesuvius or under the Eifel mountains.
Besides all the dangers, volcanoes also offer benefits and simply look impressive. Taking a look into the crater of a (less active) volcano is a unique experience, for which you are ideally equipped with our NIKIN clothing. Browse through our sustainable collection and find the right clothing for your next outdoor adventure - maybe it will take you to a volcano!