This was once said by the German photographer Thomas Häntsch. On second thought, isn't that really how it is? Far away from our present, huge areas are exploited, forests are cleared and the greatest possible profit is made from the whole business. It is tragic, because even here, in our immediate vicinity, forests are becoming scarcer and nature is becoming more and more next restricted. Can this change be avoided? Hardly, because society, we all depend on the versatile raw material wood. In addition, the forest must give way to increasing construction and agriculture. Of course, wood is an organic raw material that constantly grows back, but the excessive consumption of wood (like any excessive consumption) brings the system, in this case our ecosystem, out of balance and if it goes so next , soon to fall.
NIKIN wants to counteract this negative process and even if only a small, our contribution to the Reforestation of the forests worldwide. Therefore, we give with joy and pride a part of our profit of our Treeanies and TreeShirts to our partner organization OneTreePlanted nextwhich plants trees for us at several locations around the world. And the best thing about the whole thing is that you can easily be part of it and participate with your personal contribution.
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now." Alexey Andreevic Arakceev (1769 - 1834)
Author: Jeffrey Gnehm