Greenwashing explained simply - NIKIN EU

Greenwashing explained simply

The fact that more sustainability is important in order to counter climate change has also penetrated the consciousness in Switzerland. Around two thirds of the Swiss consider the problem as "big" or "rather big". Companies are taking advantage of this to advertise specifically about sustainability. But the advertising message is not always right - this is known as "greenwashing.

Greenwashing is a reinterpretation of the term"whitewashing"- what is meant in both cases is the same in terms of content, namely the whitewashing of facts and the creation of a positive image through targeted marketing campaigns. In greenwashing, these aim at suggesting sustainability to the recipient of the message, even if a company would be worthy of criticism at least in some business areas.

Consumption and greenwashing

How does greenwashing work

There are few binding certificates that confirm to the customer that he has purchased a harmless product. Many seals of approval that at first glance guarantee eco-compatibility concern only part of a company's business and manufacturing processes. Companies that use their own quality seals, which are not checked by an external body, should also be questioned critically.
Another activity that can fall under greenwashing is the development of a small segment of products or services that are actually considered sustainable - but only make up a small part of the overall business activities. The main business often remains un-green.

Certificates example

An example of greenwashing: Happy chickens

A popular example of successful greenwashing is egg packaging with a picture of chickens on green meadows. The illusion of organic quality, fresh air and animal welfare is quickly created in the mind. The reality, however, is full halls and artificial light from neon tubes. Many companies operate in the field of easy suggestion - they use the power of images to make the viewer establish a connection without explicitly mentioning it. This means that greenwashing can rarely be legally prosecuted.

Chickens in a cage

Green coat misleads consumers

There are no binding guidelines for the vocabulary regarding ecological and other sustainability. After all, who has the authority to define what is "green" or "environmentally friendly"? Although the German Ethics Council, for example, has developed aSustainability Code , even this can be circumvented by companies with wording. Greenwashing thus wins over those customers who would like to believe the advertising message because they like the product and are interested in sustainability. Companies that are really interested in sustainability provide their customers with transparent and comprehensive insights into their activities. NIKIN provides information about our sustainability commitment to the community here. If you ever have any further questions or concerns, or if you have any suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact us viaor leave a comment.


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