It's summer and therefore vacation time - people are traveling and that's a good thing. But you always have to be aware of the impact this has. Sometimes the most beautiful places in the world are not so environmentally damaging to travel to.
It's summer and therefore vacation time - people are traveling and that's a good thing. But you always have to be aware of the impact this has. Sometimes the most beautiful places in the world are not so environmentally damaging to travel to.
Sustainability should characterize all areas of life if it is really lived convincingly. But when it comes to vacations, even those who otherwise buy from organic farmers, avoid plastic and don't drive a car sin. Tour operators know from experience: on vacation, customers want to have fun and keep their distance. Sometimes even from the desire to save the world. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that travel in particular causes considerable damage. And that doesn't just apply toCO2 emissions.
Our vacation pleasure: where we "sin" the most
It's quite clear that air travel suddenly burns up all the bonus points you've earned elsewhere in your lifestyle. After all, airplanes emitCO2 that makes you dizzy. And air travel is still so cheap, especially the popular city weekends at mini rates, but also all-inclusive tours for little money in Africa, Asia or the Caribbean. Such offers are indeed not sustainable. But would a cruise be a good idea? Again, no. Because the ocean liners are at least as harmful to the environment, nobody can check exactly how much waste they dump in the sea, and the working conditions of the crew are not even worth considering. And the example of Venice shows what consequences the daily arrival of large ships can have. Here, the enormous bow waves are damaging the foundations of the palazzi, and the swarms of tourists are increasingly driving local Venetians out of their own city.
Are there alternatives - and how can you travel more sustainably?
There are indeed alternatives, and they are even very worthwhile. Because if you don't spend hours at the airport or get stuck in a traffic jam by car, the vacation fun starts much earlier and the relaxation is also more sustainable for travelers. Basically, you don't have to go far away, quite the opposite.
Those who live in the city and simply stay at home on vacation benefit from empty streets and parks and can often enjoy a special vacation offer from local authorities, especially for families with children. But if you do need a change of scenery, there are two ways to travel "green" - either by train or by carpooling. Rail travel slows you down, and especially on long-distance journeys you can enjoy the journey and not just the destination. If you prefer a particularly relaxed journey, you can travel longer distances on a sleeper train. It costs no more than an overnight stay in a mid-range hotel!
And for those who like to socialize, sharing a ride with others is a way to drastically reduceCO2 emissions from driving and perhaps meet some nice travel companions in the process. Internet platforms bring drivers and passengers together and make it possible to travel longer distances at affordable prices.
A way of traveling that was not so rare until the 19th century is often underestimated - namely on foot. In recent years, however, more and more people have discovered so-called pilgrimage routes for themselves. The Way of St. James to Santiago di Compostela is particularly popular. You don't have to be religious to do this. Traveling on foot helps you to reflect on yourself, shift down a gear (or several) and become more mindful. The Way of St. James runs through the whole of Europe. The first step often begins on your own doorstep. And you don't have to walk all the way to Santiago...
And what if you still want to go overseas?
If you want to travel to Africa or America, you can hardly avoid the plane. In this case, experts recommend staying at least long enough to make the flight worthwhile - also ecologically - i.e. at least two, preferably three weeks. It goes without saying that such a vacation can only be combined with a green conscience every few years.
But it's not just about nature!
Sustainable travel should also take into account the integrity of the destinations and the lives of the people there. And here, too, there is a lot that travelers can do. For example:
- Do not travel to countries where the human rights situation is questionable.
- Avoid overcrowded, "trendy" vacation resorts - you will be ripped off here anyway, and the tourist flow is not good for the area.
- Travel outside the main travel times if at all possible.
- Do not stay in international hotel chains, but choose hotels or resorts run by local companies.
- Go on excursions and shop at local sources, eat in local restaurants.
- Use public transport even when on vacation.
- Produce as little waste as possible on the road.
In summary, you should travel in such a way that the people where you are traveling are just as happy as you are about your trip. And you can make a really big contribution to this with just a little effort!
Everyone can and should take part - NIKIN shows the way
Although we at NIKIN are primarily concerned with sustainable materials in the fashion industry and fighting against global deforestation, it is important to think sustainably in other areas of life too. We want to motivate people to rethink their lifestyle and possibly make it more sustainable.
It's summer vacation time and despite the ongoing climate debates, many people are still traveling to the furthest corners of the world. We don't want to point the finger at holidaymakers, but instead point out alternatives to airplanes and cruise ships. After all, traveling is beautiful and important. But you can plan your trip in such a way that you don't harm the environment or the people at your destination - and still have lots of vacation fun!