Nine advantages of second-hand clothing - NIKIN EU

Nine advantages of second-hand clothing

Switzerland's first national Second Hand Day will take place on Saturday, September 26. Vintage fashion, including second-hand clothing, has been back in fashion for some time now. But second-hand is not only stylish, it also offers many other advantages. We have listed nine of them for you.

Switzerland's first national Second Hand Day will take place on Saturday, September 26. Vintage fashion, including second-hand clothing, has been back in fashion for some time now. But second-hand is not only stylish, it also offers many other advantages. We have listed nine of them for you.

Second-hand clothing is sustainable

NIKIN tries to find the best possible compromise between sustainable and affordable fashion. But let's be honest: the most sustainable and probably also the most cost-saving option would be to do without new goods completely. Even though we are of course delighted that you have already planted over 700,000 trees with us, we don't want to withhold the benefits of second-hand clothing from you.

The nine biggest advantages of second hand

  1. Lower prices

Second-hand goods are significantly cheaper than new products. Discounts of 70 percent and more are not uncommon and are much easier on the wallet. So if you want to save money and still enrich your closet, you should browse through second-hand stores. There are many great bargains waiting for you.

  1. Environmental protection during production

With every new item of clothing, raw materials are processed and emissions are released. The transportation of raw materials to the production site and from there to the seller also consumes resources. These environmental impacts can be avoided by buying second-hand instead of new. You may have a new item of clothing in your closet, but there is no new damage to the environment.

  1. Less waste

Clothing that is no longer worn is either donated or disposed of. Everything that can no longer be used is incinerated. This releases toxic fumes into the atmosphere. Buying a second-hand item of clothing prolongs its life and delays the environmental impact. And who knows, you might even pass on your second-hand item when you no longer want to wear it. The longer the life of an item of clothing, the better it is for our environment.

  1. Children benefit twice over

Second-hand clothing is suitable for children in two ways. Firstly, the items are usually only worn a little, as children grow quickly. This means that they are hardly worn out and can therefore be worn again. Secondly, new items of clothing are particularly unsustainable for children. This is because children often only wear their clothes for a few months before they grow out of them and need new clothes again. New items of clothing for children should therefore be bought with care.

  1. There is nothing that does not exist

Shoes, scarves, jackets, hats, pants: the list of second-hand clothes available is endless. Did you know that wedding dresses can also be bought second-hand? There is practically no clothing that cannot be bought second-hand. Everything that can be bought as good as new is also available in second-hand stores. So you have the whole selection at your disposal.

  1. Health benefits

Used clothing is usually less harmful to health than new products. This is because the frequent washing has washed out harmful chemicals. This offers decisive advantages, especially for people with allergies or small children.

  1. The quality

Second-hand clothing is usually of top quality. This can be recognized by the fact that the clothing has not been worn out despite frequent wear. If the clothing is available in a second-hand store, it is checked for defects and must meet certain minimum requirements. Only items of clothing in good condition are offered.

  1. The fun factor

Strolling around a flea market is fun and a memorable experience. After all, you meet new people, strike up a conversation and perhaps find some exciting unique items. If you visit the flea market or second-hand store with friends or family, you are guaranteed to have lots to marvel at and talk about. A great outing is pre-programmed.

  1. The individuality

If you don't buy clothes off the peg, but at a flea market, you will come across some very special unique pieces. These help to create an individual style. Every item of clothing has a story to tell. And if you shop at a flea market, you may even find out from the seller what this piece has already been through.


First national Second Hand Day

The first national Second Hand Day will take place in Switzerland on September 26. The aim of this day is to question daily consumer behavior. Over 250 different campaigns will take place on this day. For example, flea markets are organized, special promotions are placed on online stores and the doors of second-hand shops are opened. If you also want to be part of Second Hand Day, you can find all the campaigns at

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