Plastic - the threat to the oceans - NIKIN EU

Plastic - the threat to the oceans

The amount of plastic waste in the world's oceans is extreme and must cause us great concern. Careless disposal leads to fatal environmental damage, the consequences of which are ultimately passed on to us via the suffering sea creatures. It is high time we did something about it!

Our planet's oceans take up most of its surface - and are of great importance. They provide habitats for countless animals and plants and are also a source of food and recreation for us humans, who are practically only "guests" on the seas. But not only that, the oceans are an essential climate subsystem of the planet, which is in constant balance with the atmosphere and plays a significant role in balancing temperatures.

So there are many good reasons to value and protect the oceans. But instead they are being littered. Unfortunately, this is not primarily due to sewage or toxic waste - although these are also serious factors - but to plastic. Plastic, plastic, without end, in the truest sense of the word. Because the material from which our everyday dreams are made is practically indestructible.

Every minute a garbage truck dumps plastic into the sea!

It seems almost unimaginable, but it's true - every minute, the contents of a garbage truck go into the sea somewhere. There are already 86 million tons of plastic floating around in the oceans. Plastic islands have already formed in the Pacific, the largest of which is larger than Europe! These include larger pieces that sink to the seabed, but also floating pieces of plastic in which marine life become entangled and die in agony or possibly eat them and also die as a result. Microplastics are no less dangerous. Tiny particles that result from the decomposition of plastic waste, but which are also deliberately added to other substances - we find microplastics in detergents, skin creams, scrubs, shower gels and shampoos, so that they first end up in wastewater and then eventually in groundwater, rivers and oceans. And from there they end up in the food chain - in other words, on our plates.

Where does the waste come from?

Most of the waste in the world's oceans is not dumped overboard somewhere. It's not as simple as that. Instead, even plastic products that are carted off to landfill eventually end up in the sea. Gone with the wind... because plastic can break down into small pieces, but is virtually indestructible. Other plastic particles are created by our consumption habits. The popular cozy fleece clothing, for example, creates hundreds of plastic fibers with every wash, which end up in wastewater and then eventually in rivers and oceans. The bottom line is that everyone who uses plastic contributes to ocean pollution.

The consequences of pollution

Microplastic particles in the oceans have long been ingested by all living creatures. And so they end up on our plates at some point. Microplastics have not only been detected in numerous marine organisms, but recently also in human stool samples. So the problem that started in our households is coming back to us.

Although the plasticizers, which are considered toxic and were previously used so often in plastic production, are now banned within the EU, they are still being imported from third countries, remain in use - and end up in the sea. The long-term consequences are not yet foreseeable.

What can be done - what is being done?

The plastic waste already floating in the oceans is unfortunately in international waters. No country feels called upon to take action here, although there are global strategies to at least monitor coastal waters and their use.

Projects such as the technology developed by Dutch inventor Boyan Slat, who has dedicated himself to cleaning up the oceans, offer hope. "The Ocean Cleanup Project" aims to collect plastic waste and recycle it. Integration into the filter systems of ships is also already being considered.

However, the main source of plastic waste is each individual consumer. And there really is a lot that can be done here. Most plastic products in our everyday lives are neither essential nor pretty and can be replaced by sensible alternatives.

Tips for everyday life without plastic

  • Shopping with the net or a cloth bag
  • Use tin, glass and ceramic containers instead of plastic wrap
  • Buy fresh produce at the market instead of packaged industrial food
  • Do not use disposable products such as plastic plates or spoons
  • Avoid plastic toys for children
  • Drinks best from glass bottles
  • Drink tap water instead of water from plastic bottles - it is often of better quality anyway

Support meaningful initiatives!

If you live near a coast, you can spend time helping with a beach cleanup. As we don't all live within sight of the oceans, there is also the option of supporting projects such as "Oceans without plastic" through donations. Equally effective is the Take3 initiative, which involves taking three pieces of litter with you every time you go to the beach. If everyone does it, it will have a huge impact!

The best thing is and remains - avoid plastic. If you think about your everyday consumption, you are not only helping to keep our blue planet clean, you are also giving yourself a better quality of life!

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