Our green roommates - 7 interesting facts about trees - NIKIN EU

Our green roommates - 7 interesting fact...

The tree - a miracle of nature. Find out more about our green co-inhabitants in 7 interesting tree facts, which give us so much and must therefore be respected and protected at all costs.

Our green roommates - 7 interesting fact...

The tree - a miracle of nature. Find out more about our green co-inhabitants in 7 interesting tree facts, which give us so much and must therefore be respected and protected at all costs.

"Non-profit organisations" - what is behind the abbreviation NGO? - NIKIN EU

"Non-Profit Organizations" - What's Behind...

NGOs make headlines. Time and again, they find themselves in the spotlight when they step in where no one else can or will. Whether it's the preservation of...

"Non-Profit Organizations" - What's Behind...

NGOs make headlines. Time and again, they find themselves in the spotlight when they step in where no one else can or will. Whether it's the preservation of...

The rainforest - the lungs of the earth - NIKIN EU

The rainforest - the lungs of the earth

More and more rainforest is being cleared worldwide - the consequences are drastic. Because with the forest disappear not only plants and creatures, but also many other existential things, such as the air we...

The rainforest - the lungs of the earth

More and more rainforest is being cleared worldwide - the consequences are drastic. Because with the forest disappear not only plants and creatures, but also many other existential things, such as the air we...

Off into the forest - but the right way! - NIKIN EU

Off into the forest - but the right way!

A walk in the forest, whether in the snow in winter or under the cool canopy in summer, offers so much - and it's completely free! That's why it's all the more important to...

Off into the forest - but the right way!

A walk in the forest, whether in the snow in winter or under the cool canopy in summer, offers so much - and it's completely free! That's why it's all the more important to...

The world's forests - habitat, water reservoirs, oxygen factories - NIKIN EU

The forests of this world - habitat, water spi...

A forest is much more than just a collection of green-brown shapes that rise into the sky and provide us with shade in the summer, but rather an ingenious wonder of nature,...

The forests of this world - habitat, water spi...

A forest is much more than just a collection of green-brown shapes that rise into the sky and provide us with shade in the summer, but rather an ingenious wonder of nature,...

Paper made from sugar cane - guaranteed tree-free! - NIKIN EU

Paper made from sugar cane - guaranteed tree-free!

More than 40 per cent of the wood used worldwide is processed into paper products such as newspapers or copying paper. Sugar cane - the sustainable alternative.

Paper made from sugar cane - guaranteed tree-free!

More than 40 per cent of the wood used worldwide is processed into paper products such as newspapers or copying paper. Sugar cane - the sustainable alternative.